Dear users and guests of our site, we inform you that we will move to a new domain in the coming days. Please check your login details for this site so that you don't lose us.
On the new domain everything will be identical to here.
We will redirect you to the new site when everything is ready.
Please update your current email address if it is not actual. You can do this on your profile page. Press "Edit Profile" button and input your actual email instead of the old. You will need to confirm a new email just like when registering.
If you don't remember your password, but you saved it in your browser cookies, you can get it from the cookies.
How to get your password from the cookies?
For Firefox:
Managing usernames and passwords
Click the Firefox menu button.
Click on Logins and Passwords. The Firefox Lockwise about:logins page will open in a new tab
After you select an entry from the list of logins, you can perform these actions:
Click Copy to copy a username or password.
Click Password to see the password.
For Google Chrome:
How to View Saved Passwords in Google Chrome
To view any passwords you saved on Chrome, open the browser, and click on the dots at the top right. Once you’re in
Settings click on the Passwords option that’s in the Autofill section.
For Opera:
If you go to Autofill section in Opera settings and click on "Show Password" anyone can see my saved passwords
For Safari:
How to retrieve a stored password in macOS
Select Safari > Preferences.
Click the Passwords tab.
Enter your account password to unlock the view.
Scroll or search for an entry.
Click the masked password (••••••••) and the password displays.
Control-click the password entry line and you can select Copy Password.
Switch to your password-management app, create an entry, and paste the password.
Regards, Audiolove team.
New domain
