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Digital Sound Factory E-MU Planet Earth [KONTAKT]

Team KRock | 21 July 2012 | 58 MB
The Planet Earth was launched in the Fall of 2000 as the Ethnic Module in the new Proteus '1000' range - taking over the throne from the Proteus 3. E-Mu's sound designers gathered an amazing collection of authentic rhythms and traditional instruments from the four corners of the globe to give you Planet Earth, the most realistic ethnic sound module in the world. With 32MB of samples, the Planet Earth contains a wide range of world samples - from Africa to Brazil. Planet Earth SoundFont is the professional's choice for World sounds and ethnic percussion! Discover Planet Earth and bring a world of sounds to your music.
Each instrument is scripted to allow full user control over real-time MIDI controllers, just like the originals. You get instant access to filter, resonance, volume & filter envelope ADSR's, filter envelope amount, stereo image, and more. Assign your MIDI control and spin the knobs to create your own sounds on the fly!!!
Kontakt Instrument Listing
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Each instrument is scripted to allow full user control over real-time MIDI controllers, just like the originals. You get instant access to filter, resonance, volume & filter envelope ADSR's, filter envelope amount, stereo image, and more. Assign your MIDI control and spin the knobs to create your own sounds on the fly!!!
Kontakt Instrument Listing
000:000 African Drums & Percussion
000:001 Kalimbas/Thumb Piano
000:002 Clay Tones
000:003 Djembe/Ashiko/Talking Dr
000:004 Udu/Ghatham/Tube
000:005 Balifon Natural
000:006 Super Bans 1
000:007 Gaohachet
000:008 Express Oh
000:009 Brazidiz
000:010 Dream Mallets
000:011 No Age
000:012 World Harp 1
000:013 Mute
000:014 Steel Drum
000:015 Bottlerina
000:016 Udu/Kim Kim
000:017 Okamia
000:018 Nyebodems
000:019 Phaz Split
000:020 Balifon Chromatic
000:021 Celtic Harp
000:022 Buzz Factor
000:023 Lowness 1
000:024 Shamitone
000:025 Sweetness
000:026 Xaozone
000:027 Magical 7th
000:028 Little Distro
000:029 The Monks
000:030 Blocarooey
000:031 World Kit
000:032 Brazilian Kit
000:033 Salsa Kit
000:034 Ritual Drums
000:035 Earth Kit 01
000:036 Earth Kit 02
000:037 Earth Kit 03
000:038 Earth Kit 04
000:039 Earth Kit 05
000:040 Earth Kit 06
000:041 Earth Kit 07
000:042 Earth Kit 08
000:043 Earth Kit 09
000:044 Earth Kit 10
000:045 Earth Kit 11
000:046 Earth Kit 12
000:047 Earth Kit 13
000:048 Earth Kit 14
000:049 Earth Kit 15
000:050 Earth Kit 16
000:051 Earth Kit 17
000:052 Earth Kit 18
000:053 Earth Kit 19
000:054 Earth Kit 20
000:055 Cumbus Saz
000:056 Su Gzheng
000:057 Tenor Banjo
000:058 Bazouki
000:059 Baglama
000:060 Prima Domra
000:061 Segundo Domra
000:062 Segundo Domra Mute
000:063 Oud
000:064 Shamisen
000:065 World Harp 2
000:066 Hammer Dulcimer
000:067 Mandolin
000:068 Banjuoki
000:069 Oudomute
000:070 Anjomra
000:071 Sazo
000:072 Supersaz
000:073 Su Zhouki
000:074 Octar
000:075 Noctar
000:076 Domora 1
000:077 Domora 2
000:078 Shaoud 1
000:079 Shaoud 2
000:080 Sinoud
000:081 Celtar 1
000:082 Celtar 2
000:083 World Harp 3
000:084 Sazheng 1
000:085 Sazheng 2
000:086 Baglomra 1
000:087 Baglomra 2
000:088 Baglomra 3
000:089 Segramu 1
000:090 Segramu 2
000:091 Segramu 3
000:092 Dulcolin
000:093 Primandl 1
000:094 Primandl 2
000:095 Mandomra 1
000:096 Mandomra 2
000:097 Baglama w
000:098 Cimbalon 1
000:099 Cimbalon 2
000:100 Mostly Harp
000:101 Hammers Plus
000:102 Prima Domra Plus
000:103 Mandolin Plus
000:104 Erhu-wah w
000:105 Zhonghu
000:106 Gaohu
000:107 Ehru
000:108 Gao Landz
000:109 Nervosa
000:110 Gaohu & Zhonghu
000:111 Erhu & Gahou
000:112 Gaozong
000:113 ContraBass Balalaika
000:114 ContraBass Bala Mute
000:115 Guitarron
000:116 Oud Bass
000:117 Punchy 2
000:118 Punchy 3
000:119 CB Balalaika 2
000:120 CB Balalaika 3
000:121 Pluck Bass 1
000:122 Pluck Bass 2
000:123 Synthy 1
000:124 Synthy 2
000:125 Synthy 3
000:126 Lowness 2
000:127 Lowness 3
001:000 Lowness 4
001:001 Bansuri
001:002 Pan Flute
001:003 Shakuhachi
001:004 Suling
001:005 Ocarina
001:006 Brazil Whistle
001:007 Mizmar
001:008 Suona
001:009 Diz E
001:010 Shenai
001:011 Penny Whistle
001:012 Venu
001:013 Nye
001:014 Mizmars
001:015 Stacked Dizi
001:016 Global Winds 1
001:017 Global Winds 2
001:018 Clayiope
001:019 Accordion 1
001:020 Accordion 2
001:021 Wah-Cordian
001:022 Concertina
001:023 Lye
001:024 Blue Wind
001:025 Wind Fingers
001:026 Miz E
001:027 Amazone
001:028 Whisuling w
001:029 East Winds
001:030 Eurasian
001:031 Key Bans
001:032 Warm Reeds
001:033 Rice Winds
001:034 South Wind
001:035 Flutescape
001:036 Suparina
001:037 X-Flutus
001:038 Shenaidelic
001:039 Mizereams
001:040 Bansuri Pad
001:041 Nye Harms
001:042 River Nye
001:043 Pulsuri
001:044 Worm Flute
001:045 After The Wind
001:046 Whistler
001:047 Pressohachi
001:048 Super Bans 2
001:049 Oud & Flutes
001:050 Bows & Winds
001:051 Bazouki Split Plus
001:052 Suling & Bows
001:053 Bow Fingers
001:054 Hammerai
001:055 Kalimbodd
001:056 Ghatam Tones
001:057 Temple Tones
001:058 Block Tones
001:059 T-Drum Tones
001:060 Udu Tones
001:061 Paka Tones
001:062 Pipe & Tones
001:063 Ceramic
001:064 Bazouka
001:065 Melotria
001:066 Boingel
001:067 Quentall
001:068 Technotti
001:069 Ethnosyn
001:070 Swiper
001:071 Venus Cells
001:072 Zhonghu Zone
001:073 Suona Combi
001:074 Shaku Synth
001:075 Magical Harp
001:076 Spiritphone
001:077 Bamboo Zhonghu
001:078 Cosmovivor
001:079 Pliniad
001:080 Flute Bells
001:081 Razor Shenai
001:082 Exotic 1
001:083 Exotic 2
001:084 Exotic 3
001:085 Exotic 4
001:086 Exotic 5
001:087 Exotic 6
001:088 Exotic 7
001:089 Wind Jam 1
001:090 Wind Jam 2
001:091 East Meet West
001:092 Cuic Me
001:093 Meta-perco
001:094 Org 1
001:095 Org 2
001:096 Chiff Organ
001:097 Baby Ocarina
001:098 Bazouki Extra
001:099 Hi-Pass Square
001:100 Windz Keyz
001:101 L Combo
001:102 Slo Pad
001:103 SynthVenu
001:104 Exo Pad
001:105 Gentle Bells
001:106 Hackett Voice
001:107 Moody Penny
001:108 Misty Reeds
001:109 Ghosts Again
001:110 Wind Bells
001:111 Splotoa 1
001:112 Splotoa 2
001:113 P57K-009
001:114 Sea Shanty
001:115 Lo-fi Ritual
001:116 Cave Ritual
001:117 Tweaker Shenai
001:118 Digital Noiz
001:119 Exo Bird
001:120 Loco World
001:121 The Birds 1
001:122 The Birds 2
001:123 Deeper Klocker
001:124 19 Tone
001:125 19 Toon Cat
001:126 Mo X
001:127 Earth Harmonic
002:000 Shakoniums
002:001 Celtic Perc
002:002 Bodhran 1
002:003 Bodhran 2
002:004 Bones 1
002:005 Bones 2
002:006 Djembes
002:007 Djembe 1 w
002:008 Djembe 2 w
002:009 Djembe 3 w
002:010 Djembe 4 w
002:011 Djembe 5 w
002:012 Ashikos
002:013 Vel-Ashiko 1
002:014 Vel-Ashiko 2
002:015 Vel-Ashiko 3
002:016 Vel-Ashiko 4
002:017 Vel-Ashiko 5
002:018 Talking Drums
002:019 Vel-Talk Drum 1 w
002:020 Vel-Talk Drum 2 w
002:021 African Percussion
002:022 Gankokwe Set
002:023 Vel-Gankokwe
002:024 Toke Set
002:025 Vel-Toke Bell 1
002:026 Vel-Toke Bell 2 w
002:027 Shekere X
002:028 Vel -Shekere
002:029 Shekerettle X
002:030 Belraclapod
002:031 Vel-Rattle
002:032 Vel-Seed Shake
002:033 Vel-Shek/Pods
002:034 Liquidity 1
002:035 Vel-Udu 1
002:036 Vel-Udu 2
002:037 Kim Kim w
002:038 Ghatam
002:039 Vel-Ghatam 1 w
002:040 Vel-Ghatam 2 w
002:041 Tubes
002:042 Taiko Drums 1
002:043 Taiko Drums 2
002:044 Vel-Taiko1 w
002:045 Big Taiko w
002:046 World Drums
002:047 Dholak Sets
002:048 Dholak w
002:049 Darvutaboran
002:050 Darvul w
002:051 Tabor w
002:052 Pakawaj w
002:053 Tambour w
002:054 Dumbek/Bongo 1
002:055 Dumbek/Bongo 2
002:056 Dumbek/Bongo 3
002:057 Dumbengo
002:058 Clay Bongo w
002:059 Pandeiros
002:060 Brazil Drums
002:061 BD/Tom/Snare
002:062 Snare Set
002:063 Vel-Snare 1
002:064 Vel-Snare 2
002:065 BDs & Toms
002:066 BDs & Toms-Melodic
002:067 Melodic Dr 1
002:068 Melodic Dr 2
002:069 Melodic Drums 3
002:070 Meloctav Dr 1
002:071 Meloctav Dr 2
002:072 Meloctav Drums 3
002:073 Simmons
002:074 Electric Perc
002:075 E Snares in 3s
002:076 E Snare Sets
002:077 E Perc Set
002:078 E Snares 1
002:079 E Snares 2
002:080 Timbales
002:081 Vel-Hi Timbale
002:082 Vel-Lo Timbale
002:083 Conga & Bongo
002:084 Vel-Conga Random
002:085 Vel-Conga Hi
002:086 Bongo Random
002:087 Percussion 3X
002:088 Castanet w
002:089 Pots & Pans
002:090 Vel-Triangle
002:091 Shake & Scrape
002:092 Vel-Cabasa/Guir
002:093 Vel-Sistrum w
002:094 Sand Block w
002:095 Block & Bells
002:096 Wood Block Melodic
002:097 Wood Block Sets
002:098 Wood Blocks
002:099 Wood Thing 1
002:100 Wood Thing 2
002:101 Metalofons 1
002:102 Metalofons 2
002:103 Pipes 1
002:104 Pipes 2
002:105 Vel-Pipe
002:106 Ritu Drums
002:107 Ritual Pops
002:108 Palm Drums 1
002:109 Palm Drums 2
002:110 Palm Drums 3
002:111 Palm Drum w
002:112 Cymbal Array
002:113 Ride Cymbal
002:114 Finger Bell
002:115 Tik-Tak Drum
002:116 TikTak & Taiko
002:117 Tongue Drums
002:118 Djembe/Ashiko
002:119 Pressure Treatment
002:120 Dumbek Plus
002:121 Jaw Harp
002:122 Doom Gong
002:123 Punchy 1
002:124 Kalimba
002:125 Deep Metal
002:126 Ice Shek
002:127 Triangles
003:000 Liquidity 2
003:001 Thumb Piano
003:002 Bass Kalimba
003:003 Buzz Kalimba
003:004 Bamboo Marimba
003:005 Bootungi
003:006 Bass Bamboo Mar
003:007 BasBu-BaliMar
003:008 Sweet Mar 1
003:009 Sweet Mar 2
003:010 Sweet Mar 3
003:011 Almglocken 1
003:012 Almglocken 2
003:013 Almglocken 3
003:014 Song Bells 1
003:015 Song Bells 2
003:016 Song Bells 3
003:017 Boo-Bams 1
003:018 Boo-Bams 2
003:019 Boo-Bams 3
003:020 Boo-Bams 4
003:021 Metalofon 1
003:022 Metalofon 2
003:023 Metalofon 3
003:024 Metalofon 4
003:025 Metalofon 5
003:026 Metalofon 6
003:027 Metalofon 7
003:028 Metalofon 8
003:029 Balimba
003:030 Metal Balifon
003:031 Metalimba 1
003:032 Metalimba 2
003:033 Bottle 1
003:034 Bottle 2
003:035 Bottles 1 & 2
003:036 Tungba 1
003:037 Tungba 2
003:038 Blokba 1
003:039 Blokba 2
003:040 Sudanklung 1
003:041 Sudanklung 2
003:042 Agobbi
003:043 Pandebal
003:044 Steely Pan
003:045 Stoli Fan
003:046 Thumbam
003:047 Kalibam
003:048 Ootun ee-ee
003:049 Bongarang
003:050 Limbafon 1
003:051 Limbafon 2
003:052 Limbafon 3
003:053 Limbafon 4
003:054 Dholaglock
003:055 Gankofon
003:056 Clavepipe
003:057 Jaw Stack
003:058 Smoochofone
003:059 Chamberfone
003:060 Steel Combo
003:061 Subaopic
003:062 Sumantra
003:063 World Whistle
003:064 Whistle 1
003:065 Whistle 2
003:066 Whistle 3
003:067 Whistle 4
003:068 Whistle 5
003:069 Volcanic
003:070 Ganken
003:071 Mystic land
003:072 Insects 1
003:073 Free Ride
003:074 Lust Heart
003:075 Fu Light
003:076 One World
003:077 Filter Boy
003:078 Crystal
003:079 Jungle Love
003:080 X-Piper
003:081 Nanny
003:082 Drums/Bass/Pluck
003:083 Post Dub XP w
003:084 Nepetunia
003:085 Oh Kit
003:086 Indonesian Ensemble
003:087 Drum/Marimba/Perc
003:088 Drum/Kalmba/Perc
003:089 Celtic Ensemble
003:090 Peccary
003:091 FZ At Nite
003:092 Guitarron/Kit/ Mar
003:093 Verley
003:094 Clavix
003:095 Brother Rob
003:096 Bass Kal/Drum/Venu
003:097 Taikupe
003:098 Jungelic
003:099 Trinaiti
003:100 Frogit
003:101 Frigit
003:102 Latin Bass/Dr/Perc
003:103 Yes I
003:104 Discoteca
003:105 Daddi-o
003:106 Kingston
003:107 Electra
003:108 Udeli
003:109 Asian Ensemble
003:110 Insects 2
003:111 Insects 3
003:112 Ritual Jam
003:113 Celtic Song
003:114 Vulcanu
003:115 Lost Tribe
003:116 Western Arab
003:117 Insects 4
003:118 Insects 5
003:119 Found Tribe
003:120 Earth Works
003:121 Whistle/Kalimba
003:122 Gadaran
003:123 Mutants
003:124 Super Bans 3
003:125 Ancient Tree
003:126 Tribe
003:127 Eerie Winds
000:001 Kalimbas/Thumb Piano
000:002 Clay Tones
000:003 Djembe/Ashiko/Talking Dr
000:004 Udu/Ghatham/Tube
000:005 Balifon Natural
000:006 Super Bans 1
000:007 Gaohachet
000:008 Express Oh
000:009 Brazidiz
000:010 Dream Mallets
000:011 No Age
000:012 World Harp 1
000:013 Mute
000:014 Steel Drum
000:015 Bottlerina
000:016 Udu/Kim Kim
000:017 Okamia
000:018 Nyebodems
000:019 Phaz Split
000:020 Balifon Chromatic
000:021 Celtic Harp
000:022 Buzz Factor
000:023 Lowness 1
000:024 Shamitone
000:025 Sweetness
000:026 Xaozone
000:027 Magical 7th
000:028 Little Distro
000:029 The Monks
000:030 Blocarooey
000:031 World Kit
000:032 Brazilian Kit
000:033 Salsa Kit
000:034 Ritual Drums
000:035 Earth Kit 01
000:036 Earth Kit 02
000:037 Earth Kit 03
000:038 Earth Kit 04
000:039 Earth Kit 05
000:040 Earth Kit 06
000:041 Earth Kit 07
000:042 Earth Kit 08
000:043 Earth Kit 09
000:044 Earth Kit 10
000:045 Earth Kit 11
000:046 Earth Kit 12
000:047 Earth Kit 13
000:048 Earth Kit 14
000:049 Earth Kit 15
000:050 Earth Kit 16
000:051 Earth Kit 17
000:052 Earth Kit 18
000:053 Earth Kit 19
000:054 Earth Kit 20
000:055 Cumbus Saz
000:056 Su Gzheng
000:057 Tenor Banjo
000:058 Bazouki
000:059 Baglama
000:060 Prima Domra
000:061 Segundo Domra
000:062 Segundo Domra Mute
000:063 Oud
000:064 Shamisen
000:065 World Harp 2
000:066 Hammer Dulcimer
000:067 Mandolin
000:068 Banjuoki
000:069 Oudomute
000:070 Anjomra
000:071 Sazo
000:072 Supersaz
000:073 Su Zhouki
000:074 Octar
000:075 Noctar
000:076 Domora 1
000:077 Domora 2
000:078 Shaoud 1
000:079 Shaoud 2
000:080 Sinoud
000:081 Celtar 1
000:082 Celtar 2
000:083 World Harp 3
000:084 Sazheng 1
000:085 Sazheng 2
000:086 Baglomra 1
000:087 Baglomra 2
000:088 Baglomra 3
000:089 Segramu 1
000:090 Segramu 2
000:091 Segramu 3
000:092 Dulcolin
000:093 Primandl 1
000:094 Primandl 2
000:095 Mandomra 1
000:096 Mandomra 2
000:097 Baglama w
000:098 Cimbalon 1
000:099 Cimbalon 2
000:100 Mostly Harp
000:101 Hammers Plus
000:102 Prima Domra Plus
000:103 Mandolin Plus
000:104 Erhu-wah w
000:105 Zhonghu
000:106 Gaohu
000:107 Ehru
000:108 Gao Landz
000:109 Nervosa
000:110 Gaohu & Zhonghu
000:111 Erhu & Gahou
000:112 Gaozong
000:113 ContraBass Balalaika
000:114 ContraBass Bala Mute
000:115 Guitarron
000:116 Oud Bass
000:117 Punchy 2
000:118 Punchy 3
000:119 CB Balalaika 2
000:120 CB Balalaika 3
000:121 Pluck Bass 1
000:122 Pluck Bass 2
000:123 Synthy 1
000:124 Synthy 2
000:125 Synthy 3
000:126 Lowness 2
000:127 Lowness 3
001:000 Lowness 4
001:001 Bansuri
001:002 Pan Flute
001:003 Shakuhachi
001:004 Suling
001:005 Ocarina
001:006 Brazil Whistle
001:007 Mizmar
001:008 Suona
001:009 Diz E
001:010 Shenai
001:011 Penny Whistle
001:012 Venu
001:013 Nye
001:014 Mizmars
001:015 Stacked Dizi
001:016 Global Winds 1
001:017 Global Winds 2
001:018 Clayiope
001:019 Accordion 1
001:020 Accordion 2
001:021 Wah-Cordian
001:022 Concertina
001:023 Lye
001:024 Blue Wind
001:025 Wind Fingers
001:026 Miz E
001:027 Amazone
001:028 Whisuling w
001:029 East Winds
001:030 Eurasian
001:031 Key Bans
001:032 Warm Reeds
001:033 Rice Winds
001:034 South Wind
001:035 Flutescape
001:036 Suparina
001:037 X-Flutus
001:038 Shenaidelic
001:039 Mizereams
001:040 Bansuri Pad
001:041 Nye Harms
001:042 River Nye
001:043 Pulsuri
001:044 Worm Flute
001:045 After The Wind
001:046 Whistler
001:047 Pressohachi
001:048 Super Bans 2
001:049 Oud & Flutes
001:050 Bows & Winds
001:051 Bazouki Split Plus
001:052 Suling & Bows
001:053 Bow Fingers
001:054 Hammerai
001:055 Kalimbodd
001:056 Ghatam Tones
001:057 Temple Tones
001:058 Block Tones
001:059 T-Drum Tones
001:060 Udu Tones
001:061 Paka Tones
001:062 Pipe & Tones
001:063 Ceramic
001:064 Bazouka
001:065 Melotria
001:066 Boingel
001:067 Quentall
001:068 Technotti
001:069 Ethnosyn
001:070 Swiper
001:071 Venus Cells
001:072 Zhonghu Zone
001:073 Suona Combi
001:074 Shaku Synth
001:075 Magical Harp
001:076 Spiritphone
001:077 Bamboo Zhonghu
001:078 Cosmovivor
001:079 Pliniad
001:080 Flute Bells
001:081 Razor Shenai
001:082 Exotic 1
001:083 Exotic 2
001:084 Exotic 3
001:085 Exotic 4
001:086 Exotic 5
001:087 Exotic 6
001:088 Exotic 7
001:089 Wind Jam 1
001:090 Wind Jam 2
001:091 East Meet West
001:092 Cuic Me
001:093 Meta-perco
001:094 Org 1
001:095 Org 2
001:096 Chiff Organ
001:097 Baby Ocarina
001:098 Bazouki Extra
001:099 Hi-Pass Square
001:100 Windz Keyz
001:101 L Combo
001:102 Slo Pad
001:103 SynthVenu
001:104 Exo Pad
001:105 Gentle Bells
001:106 Hackett Voice
001:107 Moody Penny
001:108 Misty Reeds
001:109 Ghosts Again
001:110 Wind Bells
001:111 Splotoa 1
001:112 Splotoa 2
001:113 P57K-009
001:114 Sea Shanty
001:115 Lo-fi Ritual
001:116 Cave Ritual
001:117 Tweaker Shenai
001:118 Digital Noiz
001:119 Exo Bird
001:120 Loco World
001:121 The Birds 1
001:122 The Birds 2
001:123 Deeper Klocker
001:124 19 Tone
001:125 19 Toon Cat
001:126 Mo X
001:127 Earth Harmonic
002:000 Shakoniums
002:001 Celtic Perc
002:002 Bodhran 1
002:003 Bodhran 2
002:004 Bones 1
002:005 Bones 2
002:006 Djembes
002:007 Djembe 1 w
002:008 Djembe 2 w
002:009 Djembe 3 w
002:010 Djembe 4 w
002:011 Djembe 5 w
002:012 Ashikos
002:013 Vel-Ashiko 1
002:014 Vel-Ashiko 2
002:015 Vel-Ashiko 3
002:016 Vel-Ashiko 4
002:017 Vel-Ashiko 5
002:018 Talking Drums
002:019 Vel-Talk Drum 1 w
002:020 Vel-Talk Drum 2 w
002:021 African Percussion
002:022 Gankokwe Set
002:023 Vel-Gankokwe
002:024 Toke Set
002:025 Vel-Toke Bell 1
002:026 Vel-Toke Bell 2 w
002:027 Shekere X
002:028 Vel -Shekere
002:029 Shekerettle X
002:030 Belraclapod
002:031 Vel-Rattle
002:032 Vel-Seed Shake
002:033 Vel-Shek/Pods
002:034 Liquidity 1
002:035 Vel-Udu 1
002:036 Vel-Udu 2
002:037 Kim Kim w
002:038 Ghatam
002:039 Vel-Ghatam 1 w
002:040 Vel-Ghatam 2 w
002:041 Tubes
002:042 Taiko Drums 1
002:043 Taiko Drums 2
002:044 Vel-Taiko1 w
002:045 Big Taiko w
002:046 World Drums
002:047 Dholak Sets
002:048 Dholak w
002:049 Darvutaboran
002:050 Darvul w
002:051 Tabor w
002:052 Pakawaj w
002:053 Tambour w
002:054 Dumbek/Bongo 1
002:055 Dumbek/Bongo 2
002:056 Dumbek/Bongo 3
002:057 Dumbengo
002:058 Clay Bongo w
002:059 Pandeiros
002:060 Brazil Drums
002:061 BD/Tom/Snare
002:062 Snare Set
002:063 Vel-Snare 1
002:064 Vel-Snare 2
002:065 BDs & Toms
002:066 BDs & Toms-Melodic
002:067 Melodic Dr 1
002:068 Melodic Dr 2
002:069 Melodic Drums 3
002:070 Meloctav Dr 1
002:071 Meloctav Dr 2
002:072 Meloctav Drums 3
002:073 Simmons
002:074 Electric Perc
002:075 E Snares in 3s
002:076 E Snare Sets
002:077 E Perc Set
002:078 E Snares 1
002:079 E Snares 2
002:080 Timbales
002:081 Vel-Hi Timbale
002:082 Vel-Lo Timbale
002:083 Conga & Bongo
002:084 Vel-Conga Random
002:085 Vel-Conga Hi
002:086 Bongo Random
002:087 Percussion 3X
002:088 Castanet w
002:089 Pots & Pans
002:090 Vel-Triangle
002:091 Shake & Scrape
002:092 Vel-Cabasa/Guir
002:093 Vel-Sistrum w
002:094 Sand Block w
002:095 Block & Bells
002:096 Wood Block Melodic
002:097 Wood Block Sets
002:098 Wood Blocks
002:099 Wood Thing 1
002:100 Wood Thing 2
002:101 Metalofons 1
002:102 Metalofons 2
002:103 Pipes 1
002:104 Pipes 2
002:105 Vel-Pipe
002:106 Ritu Drums
002:107 Ritual Pops
002:108 Palm Drums 1
002:109 Palm Drums 2
002:110 Palm Drums 3
002:111 Palm Drum w
002:112 Cymbal Array
002:113 Ride Cymbal
002:114 Finger Bell
002:115 Tik-Tak Drum
002:116 TikTak & Taiko
002:117 Tongue Drums
002:118 Djembe/Ashiko
002:119 Pressure Treatment
002:120 Dumbek Plus
002:121 Jaw Harp
002:122 Doom Gong
002:123 Punchy 1
002:124 Kalimba
002:125 Deep Metal
002:126 Ice Shek
002:127 Triangles
003:000 Liquidity 2
003:001 Thumb Piano
003:002 Bass Kalimba
003:003 Buzz Kalimba
003:004 Bamboo Marimba
003:005 Bootungi
003:006 Bass Bamboo Mar
003:007 BasBu-BaliMar
003:008 Sweet Mar 1
003:009 Sweet Mar 2
003:010 Sweet Mar 3
003:011 Almglocken 1
003:012 Almglocken 2
003:013 Almglocken 3
003:014 Song Bells 1
003:015 Song Bells 2
003:016 Song Bells 3
003:017 Boo-Bams 1
003:018 Boo-Bams 2
003:019 Boo-Bams 3
003:020 Boo-Bams 4
003:021 Metalofon 1
003:022 Metalofon 2
003:023 Metalofon 3
003:024 Metalofon 4
003:025 Metalofon 5
003:026 Metalofon 6
003:027 Metalofon 7
003:028 Metalofon 8
003:029 Balimba
003:030 Metal Balifon
003:031 Metalimba 1
003:032 Metalimba 2
003:033 Bottle 1
003:034 Bottle 2
003:035 Bottles 1 & 2
003:036 Tungba 1
003:037 Tungba 2
003:038 Blokba 1
003:039 Blokba 2
003:040 Sudanklung 1
003:041 Sudanklung 2
003:042 Agobbi
003:043 Pandebal
003:044 Steely Pan
003:045 Stoli Fan
003:046 Thumbam
003:047 Kalibam
003:048 Ootun ee-ee
003:049 Bongarang
003:050 Limbafon 1
003:051 Limbafon 2
003:052 Limbafon 3
003:053 Limbafon 4
003:054 Dholaglock
003:055 Gankofon
003:056 Clavepipe
003:057 Jaw Stack
003:058 Smoochofone
003:059 Chamberfone
003:060 Steel Combo
003:061 Subaopic
003:062 Sumantra
003:063 World Whistle
003:064 Whistle 1
003:065 Whistle 2
003:066 Whistle 3
003:067 Whistle 4
003:068 Whistle 5
003:069 Volcanic
003:070 Ganken
003:071 Mystic land
003:072 Insects 1
003:073 Free Ride
003:074 Lust Heart
003:075 Fu Light
003:076 One World
003:077 Filter Boy
003:078 Crystal
003:079 Jungle Love
003:080 X-Piper
003:081 Nanny
003:082 Drums/Bass/Pluck
003:083 Post Dub XP w
003:084 Nepetunia
003:085 Oh Kit
003:086 Indonesian Ensemble
003:087 Drum/Marimba/Perc
003:088 Drum/Kalmba/Perc
003:089 Celtic Ensemble
003:090 Peccary
003:091 FZ At Nite
003:092 Guitarron/Kit/ Mar
003:093 Verley
003:094 Clavix
003:095 Brother Rob
003:096 Bass Kal/Drum/Venu
003:097 Taikupe
003:098 Jungelic
003:099 Trinaiti
003:100 Frogit
003:101 Frigit
003:102 Latin Bass/Dr/Perc
003:103 Yes I
003:104 Discoteca
003:105 Daddi-o
003:106 Kingston
003:107 Electra
003:108 Udeli
003:109 Asian Ensemble
003:110 Insects 2
003:111 Insects 3
003:112 Ritual Jam
003:113 Celtic Song
003:114 Vulcanu
003:115 Lost Tribe
003:116 Western Arab
003:117 Insects 4
003:118 Insects 5
003:119 Found Tribe
003:120 Earth Works
003:121 Whistle/Kalimba
003:122 Gadaran
003:123 Mutants
003:124 Super Bans 3
003:125 Ancient Tree
003:126 Tribe
003:127 Eerie Winds
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