Format: KONTAKTGenre: CinematicElectric baritone violin sample library, produced by Xtant Audio and distributed by Strezov Sampling. The violin is played by the talented musician Gerhard Westphalen....
Format: KONTAKTGenre: CinematicORACLE by Casey Edwards is a NextGen modern Sound Design library with over 300 ready to use presets and wave files including massive percussion hits, trashy and punchy kits, grungy and glitched out...
Format: KONTAKTGenre: OrchestralHandpicked Chamber String Ensemble playing essential articulations with focus on a unique vintage sound. Version 2 adds brandnew True Polyphonic Legato Ensembles as well as a more accessible User...
Format: Synth Presets, Ableton Live, DAW TemplatesGenre: ElectronicPresets: ZebraMuSICIZ taps into the power of Zebra2 to bring you a custom Patch bank from one of the worlds most powerful soft synths ever. Using drawable waveforms, oscillator fx and real time performance...
This book focuses specifically on the Locrian mode of the major scale in its fret board position. This is the seventh mode of the major scale. The complete series is designed to help you learn and...
Format: WAVGenre: CinematicREA 007 is a celebration of moving water in nature. From small trickles to rushing torrents, Brooks Streams Waterfalls is for those who need a variety of water movement in their library. Locations...
Format: KONTAKTGenre: Rap or Hip HopVIP Virtual Instrument is here. Taking modern hip-hop to the club scene. VIP is the most amazing virtual instrument packed with the sounds you need to kill the clubs. Powered by the kontakt 5 engine....
Format: WAVGenre: CinematicSmall Motors. Clicking, whirring, buzzing, grinding, servo sounds and robots. This library is composed of a variety of motor sounds from everyday kitchen appliances and power tools, but it also...
In this market-leading text, Stanley Alten, an internationally recognized scholar and expert in the area of audio production, provides students with an introduction to the basic techniques and...
Written by highly respected author Stan Alten, RECORDING AND PRODUCING AUDIO FOR MEDIA introduces readers to the basic techniques and principles necessary for audio production in today's media....
System: WiNThe entity Noisebud can pretty much do whatever it likes and not care about anyone or anything else. It initiates and participates in collaborations, art projects & develop music software. But most...
Format: KONTAKTGenre: Classic, OrchestralExpressive and lyrical first chair Violin, Viola and Cello with a dark tone. Perfect for slow emotional lines. Inspired by Camille Saint-Saëns Danse Macabre we are proud to present you our first...
Format: KONTAKTGenre: CinematicThe library that started it all: Storm Choir 1 is a 12-piece chamber choir comprising six men and six women from some of Bulgaria's finest choirs, members of the Sofia Session Orchestra & Choir. Our...
Format: KONTAKTGenre: CinematicTwin Tupans is a sample library of dry, balkan drums. Recorded in Sofia, Bulgaria’s Loud-Fi Studio, it consists of two players playing samples and performances on tupans (traditional Balkan drums)....
Format: WAV, REXGenre: HousеQuantum Loops are proud to announce the latest release, Future House Drums: Exactly what is says on the tin, this pack is jammed full of complex beats, rhythms, and fills, with RX2 files to boot. ...