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Title Category Author Date

Doobie Powell’s Peculiar Sounds V2

Vol. 2 of our most popular sample library from 7X Grammy Winner John “Yosh” Jaszcz! This pack includes:

-Works In Any DAW or Sampler!

-24-bit, 48k .wav files

-Over 2000+ New Samples

-Multi-Sampled, Multi-Velocity Samples

-3 Full Drum Kits

-13 Different Snares

-3 sets of Toms(including 8in, 10in, 12in, 14in & 16in toms!)

-3 sets of Kicks

-1970’s Vintage Ludwig Kit!

-Hi-Hats, Cymbals & More

-Multi-sampled files for Slate Trigger 2

-Trigger Presets created by Yosh!

Get Trigger 2 now here:

Libraries AppoSeed 23.11.2024 1

UAD Native Plug-ins

Universal Audio UAD Diamond Edition Plug-in Bundle

Software AppoSeed 13.03.2023 12

Doobie Powell’s Peculiar Sounds VST/AU

The Peculiar Sounds Of Doobie Powell!
We teamed up with the legendary Doobie Powell to create a brand new VST plugin that includes over 100 of Doobie’s iconic sounds that he has used in his most popular recordings! You’ll get access to his Rhodes, Pianos, Synths, Pads, Leads and even his Drums!! This is a complete toolkit to add HUGE value to your productions!

Libraries AppoSeed 14.12.2022 0

Kingsway Music Library Vol. 6 by Frank Dukes


Libraries AppoSeed 05.05.2021 4

Kingsway Music Library Vol. 5 by Frank Dukes

Introducing a new concept from Kingsway Music and The Drum Broker, The Kingsway Music Library Vol. 5.

Libraries AppoSeed 04.05.2021 0
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