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Title Category Author Date

FAW SubLab XL Bundle Pack

Keep your low-end fresh; load up all new sounds for SubLab XL!

With the Pack Bundle you’ll get all seven expansion packs with 95 subs and 808s to keep you and your low-end inspired.

Plus you’ll get all future XL expansion packs added to your account for free as soon as they’re released

Libraries DjK-O 19.11.2023 1

Hachion Sound Shamisen

24 Bit 96kHz
824 Samples
103 Bend Down Samples
107 Bend up Samples
42 Finger Samples
79 Traditional Phrase Loops
79 Traditional Phrase Loops (Effected)
42 Mute Hard Samples
42 Mute Soft Samples
16 Phrase FX
41 Staccato Samples
42 Sustain Samples
37 Vibrato Hard Samples
36 Vibrato Soft Samples

Libraries DjK-O 12.11.2023 0

Hachion Sound 17 Strings Koto

1.27 GB content, 24-bit quality.
WAV & Apple Loops formats.
Includes over 300 single hits in total.
68 Loops (100-170 bpm).
29 Finger hits.
29 String FX.
58 Mute hits (includes hard & soft hits).
28 Pick Bend hits.
37 Pick Sustain hits.
29 Staccato hits.
29 Tremolo hits.
25 Vibrato hits.

Libraries DjK-O 12.11.2023 0
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