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Title Category Author Date

nightfox audio
Nightfox Audio is passionate about creating virtual instruments that accurately capture the unique sound and character of real instruments. All of our instruments start with an organic, authentic sound, and then we give you the freedom to stack them together and treat them like synthesizers. Our plugins are designed for music producers, composers, and musicians who want to enhance their sound with inspiring tones and expressive performances. We spent so much energy in the sampling process to capture the nuance and detail of the original instrument, while leaning into the unpredictable qualities that inspired us.

Libraries daddysyl 30.11.2024 1

Disco Studio Strings UDS

Libraries daddysyl 02.11.2024 0

Teletone Soulfi

Teletone Soulfi
Drums with soul.

Recorded with authentic 1955 ribbon microphones and vintage, era-specific drums, Soulfi captures the tone of a timeless era reimagined through our innovative beatmaker.

Libraries daddysyl 05.08.2024 0

Teletone Ondine

Ondine is the prequel to Scarbo and explores the lighter, more hypnotic side of the synth spectrum.

Libraries daddysyl 17.01.2023 1

Teletone Vespertone

Vespertone allows you to take the raw acoustic sounds of a Wurlitzer, Vibraphone, Celeste, and Rhodes and morph them into abstracted versions of themselves.

Libraries daddysyl 01.01.2023 1
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