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Title Category Author Date

Power House for Valhalla Shimmer
Over 225+ New Presets
Delivered in four complete preset formats
1. vstpresets
2. fxp
3. tfx
4. aupresets

Libraries mourningheir 20.10.2018 0


Amp Sim plug-in that is still in presale!

Software mourningheir 01.09.2018 12

The Inferno Bass

an extensively sampled Dingwall Combustion virtual bass instrument for Native Instruments' Kontakt 5. With this instrument, we wanted to capture the ferocity and intensity provided by one of the world's leading instrument developers. To do that, we spent an insane amount of time ensuring every step of the process met the standards the instrument deserved. The result? A red-hot bass sound that lights a fire right in the centre of your mix.

Libraries mourningheir 01.09.2018 1
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