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Title Category Author Date

divisimate 2

very usefull

Software vielfaure 11.12.2024 0

acounsticsamples winds

acousticsamples released some winds lib

Libraries vielfaure 04.12.2023 0

augmented orchestra UVI

great sounds

Libraries vielfaure 24.08.2023 0


a very nice talkbox for the fonk

Software vielfaure 31.01.2023 1

quadra traveler UVI

very nice sounds

Libraries vielfaure 31.01.2023 2

hearth and hollow

seems to be brilliant and fun to play with this library
jon meyer put a video on youtube about it

thanks for all of you

Libraries vielfaure 01.12.2022 1

arkhis from orchestra tools

great sound

Libraries vielfaure 02.09.2021 0

DAGU from orchestra tools

great sounds

Libraries vielfaure 02.09.2021 0


a great library from 8dio

Libraries vielfaure 02.09.2021 1


given for free from spitfire audio if you buy another library from their catalogue

Libraries vielfaure 28.11.2020 0


from SPITFIRE a sound design world exotic librairy very inspiring

Libraries vielfaure 31.10.2019 2

eric whitacre choir

a great library for KONTAKT a must have

Libraries vielfaure 27.10.2019 3

loopmasters ripples future electronic chill

Libraries vielfaure 05.11.2018 0

sample magic abstract beats

Libraries vielfaure 05.11.2018 3

cinetools machinery

Libraries vielfaure 05.11.2018 0

mode audio marble ocean for serum

Libraries vielfaure 05.11.2018 0
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