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Title Category Author Date

Aulart Customize your live performance

Lerning zardew 05.08.2024 0

FaderPro - Loudness in Music Production

Lerning zardew 24.04.2023 0

Home of Sound Blawan Analog, Modular & Digital Production

Home of Sound announces a new series of short courses and kick off with: Blawan!

The course is divided into 3 sections:

Module 1 - Generating and processing simple sound waves to develop unique material
Module 2 - Resampling, developing and arranging layers and components of your track
Module 3 - Balancing your mix: combining outboard and inboard processing to finalise your track
You can access each class separately or purchase the entire course at a lower price per class.

What you get:

Videos recorded in HQ: To optimise the learning experience recorded at the artist’s own studio so you get to see where and how they work. Once you get access, you can take the course in your own time and rewatch it as many times as you want

Who is this for?

Intermediate and advanced music producers.

Tools used: Ableton live (DAW), modular and analog gears, digital VSTs.

Lerning zardew 09.09.2021 1
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