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Title Category Author Date

On Point Samples - Rawstyle Melody Pack (Vol. 3)

On Point Samples - Rawstyle Melody Pack (Vol. 3)

Libraries DLADAnaconda 26.08.2024 1

On Point Samples - Rawstyle Serum Layer Presets

On Point Samples - Rawstyle Serum Layer Presets

Libraries DLADAnaconda 26.08.2024 1

Indian Spice Kontakt Library

Indian Spice Kontakt Library
Indian Spice is a unique Kontakt Library that gives you the flavors and spices of India to include in your prodctions.

The library includes 145 sounds ranging from Plucked Instruments to Percussion Instruments to Wind Instruments and everything in between.

These sounds will definitely give your productions some unique Indian Spice!

The following instruments are included in INDIAN SPICE:

Accordion Ayur
Accordion Dosa
Banjo Anaya
Banjo Ishaan
Banjo Jiva
Banjo Kavya
Banjo Masala
Banjo Reva
Banjo Shanti
Banjo Tara
Banjo Vivaan
Banjo Yoga
Brass Arya
Brass Diya
Brass Pipe
Brass Vivaan
Brass Yash
Dulcimer Yaatra
Flute Aarav
Flute Akaardiyan
Flute Anaya
Flute Ayur
Flute Bindu
Flute Chai
Flute Chanchal
Flute Dal
Flute Dil
Flute Hava
Flute Jaadoo
Flute Jiva
Flute Kash
Flute Maya
Flute Nirvana
Flute Prithvi
Flute Rishahb
Flute Tejas
Flute Thanni
Flute Vayu
Harmonium Arya
Harmonium Drishti
Harmonium Kavya
Harmonium Mota
Harmonium Reva
Harmonium Swaad
Harmonium Vivaan
Harmonium Vivek
Harp Aarav
Lead Anant
Lead Arya
Lead Baadal
Lead Bulabula
Lead Chutney
Lead Diya
Lead Dosa
Lead Drishti
Lead Keeda
Lead Mantra
Lead Masala
Lead Maya
Lead Niharika
Lead Oorja
Lead Prana
Lead Ras
Lead Reva
Lead Vivaan
Mandolin Aarav
Mandolin Dohara
Pad Akash
Pad Dhruv
Pad Nirvaan
Pad Tejas
Pluck Agni
Pluck Arya
Pluck Dhruv
Pluck Prana
Pluck Rishabh
Santoor Diya
Santoor Jiva
Santoor Ved
Sarangi Prana
Sarangi Vivaan
Sarod Diya
Sarod Kavya
Sarod Siddhi
Saxophone Dosa
Saxophone Jiva
Saxophone Maya
Saxophone Ras
Saxophone Swaad
Shehnai Ayur
Shehnai Dhruv
Shehnai Jiva
Shehnai Maya
Shehnai Prana
Shehnai Ras
Shehnai Rishabh
Shehnai Shanti
Shehnai Surya
Shehnai Vivaan
Sitar Aarav
Sitar Diya
Sitar Reva
Strings Jal
Strings Kavya
Strings Prithvi
Strings Vayu
Strings Ved
Trumpet Anaya
Trumpet Maya
Trumpet Swaad
Trumpet Yash
Veena Dhruv
Veena Diya
Veena Maya
Veena Tejas
Veena Vivek
Vibraphone Tara
Violin Aarav
Violin Reva
Violin Rishabh
The following percussion sounds are included in INDIAN SPICE:

Chande Melam
Dhol Rajastan Do
Dhol Rajastan
Dholak Do
Percussion Do
Tabla & Baya
Tabla Do
Thavil Do
Udukkai Do
Please Note: The FULL version of Kontakt 6.8.0 is required.
This library will NOT work with the Kontakt Player.

Libraries akz1 26.08.2024 0

On Point Samples - Rawstyle Kick Vault

On Point Samples - Rawstyle Kick Vault

Libraries DLADAnaconda 25.08.2024 2

On Point Samples - Rawstyle FX Expansion

On Point Samples - Rawstyle FX Expansion

Libraries DLADAnaconda 25.08.2024 1

On Point Samples - Rawstyle Drums (Vol. 1)

On Point Samples - Rawstyle Drums (Vol. 1)

Libraries DLADAnaconda 25.08.2024 1

On Point Samples - Freebie Vault

On Point Samples - Freebie Vault (can enter only via email with auth as far as I know)

Packs in the vault (in 24/08/2024)
Free Modern Climax Kicks
Free Vital Kick Presets
Free Vital Acid Presets
Free Hardstyle Songstarters
Free Hardstyle Screech Loops
Hardstyle Freebie Vol. 1
Hardstyle Freebie Vol. 2
Free Hardcore Kicks
Free Euphoric Hardstyle Kick
Free Gabber Melodies
Free Hardstyle Drum Loops
Free Classic Pitched Kick Pack
Free Psy Kick Pack (like SZP)
Free Rawstyle Kick Pack
Free Zaag Kick Pack
Free Hardstyle Fills Vol. 1
Cinematic Vocal Freebie Vol. 1
Free Hardstyle Melodies Vol. 1
Kick FX Patcher Plugin (FL Studio)
Cinematic Vocal Freebie Vol. 1
Free Hardstyle Pianos

Libraries DLADAnaconda 24.08.2024 1

On Point Samples - Free Hardstyle Guitars Vol. 1

On Point Samples - Free Hardstyle Guitars Vol. 1

Libraries DLADAnaconda 24.08.2024 1

On Point Samples - Complex Hardstyle Screech In Serum (YouTube Freebie)

On Point Samples - Complex Hardstyle Screech In Serum (YouTube Freebie)

Libraries DLADAnaconda 24.08.2024 1

Olly James Big Room Techno Sample pack

Libraries ayeda 23.08.2024 2

Equipped Music Smokers Relight Vol. 3

Equipped Music Smokers Relight Vol. 3

Libraries Mmmmh90 23.08.2024 1

Equipped Music Breakbeat Jazz Vol.2

Equipped Music Breakbeat Jazz Vol.2 WAV REX2

Libraries Mmmmh90 23.08.2024 1

Equipped Music Slow Motion Tokyo Soundscapes Vol.2

Equipped Music Slow Motion Tokyo Soundscapes Vol.2 Sample library

Libraries Mmmmh90 23.08.2024 1

Equipped Music Premier Beats and Hip Hop Nstrumentals Vol 3

Equipped Music Premier Beats and Hip Hop Nstrumentals Vol 3 Sample library

Libraries Mmmmh90 23.08.2024 1

On Point Samples - Gated Kick FLP

On Point Samples - Gated Kick FLP

Libraries DLADAnaconda 23.08.2024 1

On Point Samples - Rawstyle Drop FLP

On Point Samples - Rawstyle Drop FLP

Libraries DLADAnaconda 23.08.2024 1

On Point Samples - Hardstyle Mastering Tutorial Free FLP

On Point Samples - Hardstyle Mastering Tutorial Free FLP

Libraries DLADAnaconda 23.08.2024 1

Spitfire epic choir

Spirefire audio epic choirs

Libraries travishamlett 23.08.2024 1

On Point Samples - Hardstyle Kick Roll FLP

On Point Samples - Hardstyle Kick Roll FLP

Libraries DLADAnaconda 22.08.2024 1

On Point Samples - How To Create Hardstyle Break | FLP

On Point Samples - How To Create Hardstyle Break | FLP

Libraries DLADAnaconda 21.08.2024 2
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