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Title | Category | Author | Date | ||
SM101 - Sylenth Mainroom House PatchesSupercharged synths, blistering basslines, luscious leads, pulsing plucks and evolving arps combine in this euphoria-inducing collection of 101 Sylenth patches tweaked and freaked for mainroom, progressive and electro house tracks. |
Libraries | souldisco | 23.01.2018 | ||
Samplestar - Sylenth Ultimate Producer EssentialsSamplestar return with their biggest and best Sylenth1 soundest yet! |
Libraries | souldisco | 23.01.2018 | ||
Sample Magic - Retro PatchesPainstakingly modelled on the classic sounds that spawned a thousand dance hits, Retro Patches comes packed with 101 presets for Spire and Sylenth with epic 80s synth flair. Channeling the late-night vibe of Retrowave, Synthwave 3 and Retro Future, expect melodic arpeggios, detuned poly-chords, glassy FM and chunky, and analogue modelled polys. Instantly fuel your next club smash with Retro Patches. |
Libraries | souldisco | 23.01.2018 | ||
Sample Magic SM20 Electro WAV RMX REX2Pumping bass, jackin' beats, twisted synths, wired filth, acid grime, lost-in-basement fx, and washed-out seqs abound in SM20 Electro, the eagerly anticipated new collection from Sample Magic. Running the ground between indie-dance and peaktime mainroom filth, Electro takes in the best of techno, Dutch, jackin' and classic french disco, bending all the rules and mashing every genre along the way. |
Libraries | souldisco | 23.01.2018 | ||
Sonic Academy How To Make Classic House with Dirty Secretz TUTORiAL |
Libraries | flyonthewall | 22.01.2018 | ||
Future house end edm projectproject for fl studio |
Libraries | irineu | 21.01.2018 | ||
Singomakers Rawstyle MassacreInspired by artists such as Digital Punk, E-Force, Warface, Radical Redemption, Endymion, Hard Driver, Kronos, Adaro, Sub Sonik, Malua, Sub Zero Project and more! |
Libraries | Agoric | 21.01.2018 | ||
Toontrack Rock Foundry |
Libraries | jazzman21 | 20.01.2018 | ||
fluffyaudio dominus choir |
Libraries | neuronm | 19.01.2018 | ||
BOOM Library Virtual Foley Artist Footsteps KONTAKTBOOM Library Virtual Foley Artist Footsteps KONTAKT |
Libraries | rrmusic | 17.01.2018 | ||
8dio Insolidus |
Libraries | neuronm | 14.01.2018 | ||
Particles - 80s Vaporwave by Sample Diggers |
Libraries | dannymolns | 13.01.2018 | ||
Sample Magic - Retro Future |
Libraries | dannymolns | 13.01.2018 | ||
studiolinked infiniti player / expansionsInfiniti Player is a powerful rompler Engine built for modern music production. Whether you create in a studio or on the go. Infiniti Player is always prepared to perform. |
Libraries | pex | 13.01.2018 | ||
WRAITH Hip Hop KitsBig Citi Loops |
Libraries | quintflair | 13.01.2018 | ||
indiginus Solid State Symphony |
Libraries | lopacio | 12.01.2018 | ||
Samples by XXL Audio as much as possible thx |
Libraries | Donald Hwang | 12.01.2018 |