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Title Category Author Date

BeatSkillz SampleX V [macOS]

SampleX Version 3 brings you new features like – New LP/ HP Ladder resonant Filters, Stereo Width (imaging) Control (mono / M/S expander) & Our Dynamic Convolution System where we have sampled the real vintage samplers to get their exact sound at various levels.

Standard Variable Sample Rate, Bitrate, and an Aliasing Control (Shift) are also present. We have also added IR Machine on/off feature, POP UP value display for the I/O section, Filter Section along with 2 New Sampler Models.

Our team at Beatskillz went on a quest to study the actual circuitry and found each and every step right from the A/D converters, preamps, analog, and digital filters, and processes involved to recreate each stage and bring you a plugin that can not only emulate a sampler but many, and also lets you design your own sampler or vintage chip!

Software rubio11 12.02.2022 3

United Plugins JMG Sound Mirror v1.0.0 Mac [MORiA]

Software yaboy213 04.02.2022 0

Soundtoys - Soundtoys 5 - MacOSX

Software df3fafas 04.02.2022 12

Synchro Arts VocALign Ultra

Software df3fafas 04.02.2022 2

Antares Autotune Unlimited - MacOSX

Software df3fafas 04.02.2022 6

Meterplug Perception AB

Perception AB instantly and automatically matches the level of the music you're listening to, allowing you to hear past the "loudness deception" and make clear, real-world decisions about the best possible sound for your music, quickly and easily. You can bypass entire processing chains to make before and after comparisons of EQ settings, compression and more while mixing or mastering. You can even bypass external analog gear.

Software arbit 04.02.2022 1

Neural DSP Archetype: Tim Henson

Software xARTEF3KTx 03.02.2022 3

Neural DSP Archetype: Petrucci

Software xARTEF3KTx 03.02.2022 8

Neural DSP Soldano SLO-100

Software xARTEF3KTx 03.02.2022 5

Softube Weiss Complete Collection

This choice collection of plug-ins gives you indispensable, high-end Weiss mastering at a fraction of the price when purchased separately​
The included plug-ins have been developed in close collaboration with, and are authorized by, Weiss Engineering and Daniel Weiss​.

Software arbit 03.02.2022 7

The Bounce & The Bank

An amazing little piece of software for Ableton that creates and sets up drum racks automatically so you can dish out creativity automatically.

Software artischeap2 03.02.2022 0


Need to give this a try

Software ha33y 02.02.2022 0


Looks good, would love to try

Software ha33y 02.02.2022 0

SSL Complete Bundler

The bundle also features an array of precision mixing/mastering tools such as X-EQ 2, X-Comp, X-Saturator, FlexVerb, LMC+, the recently released Fusion Vintage Drive and Fusion Stereo Image, the X-Echo and the brand new Fusion HF Compressor, Violet EQ and Transformer among others.

Software arbit 02.02.2022 2

Thickify by Rocket Powered Sound

​Make your basses, synths, drums and 808s sound more full, fat & alive instantly
Quickly add the perfect saturation and color to your sounds, without sacrificing the dynamics
Bring more attention to the sounds that matter, so you can elevate your overall mix

Software octavianprime 30.01.2022 0

GainStage Peter Virtual Amp

Software xARTEF3KTx 26.01.2022 1

Band In A Box 2022

Software sevenyann1 26.01.2022 4

Neural DSP Archetype Petrucci

Software xARTEF3KTx 25.01.2022 2

JST Toneforge Jeff Loomis

Software xARTEF3KTx 25.01.2022 1

AHM 5050 Dual Amp Sim (Audio Assault)

Software xARTEF3KTx 25.01.2022 1
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