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Title Category Author Date

Jonas Aden biggifier plugin

Software poggers 11.02.2021 4

ReelSmart Motion Blur for Final Cut Pro

For Final Cut Pro:

Software fdjfbsdjfh 09.02.2021 1

Brainworx Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Class A

Software jazzman21 09.02.2021 2

ACQUA - Gainstation

Developed in collaboration with Studio DMI and super producer Mike Dean (Kanye West, 2Pac, Scarface, Travis Scott, 2 Chainz, Jay-Z, Drake), Gainstation is the 21st Century plugin for anything distortion and creative sound mangling.

Software qcgermanboy 07.02.2021 2

Beatskillz RetroVOLT

500+ Factory Presets included , users can also save their own presets

Software taco28 06.02.2021 0

Audionamix XTRAX STEMS

Software watson456 04.02.2021 0

Arturia V Collection 8 v8.12.20 Windows

Software tioaprilian 04.02.2021 0

Inspired Acoustics Inspirata

Software jazzman21 02.02.2021 1

Oszillos Mega Scope

Oszillos Mega Scope is a beat-synced multichannel oszilloscope audio plugin

Software edzio 29.01.2021 3

Microtonic Vintage Tonic


During the past few years I have been experimenting with machine learning algorithms that search for parameter settings to imitate any sound with any synth. Today I am happy to reveal the first fruit of this labor: Vintage Tonic.

Vintage Tonic is a patch package for Microtonic created from recordings of the following classic drum machines:

Maestro Rhythm King (1960)
Keio / Korg Minipops 7 (1966)
Roland CR-78 CompuRhythm (1978)
Korg KR-55 (1979)
Roland TR-808 Rhythm Composer (1980)
Oberheim DMX (1981)
Linn Drum (1982)
Roland TR-909 Rhythm Composer (1984)
Roland TR-707 Rhythm Composer (1984)
Roland TR-505 Rhythm Composer (1986)

Notice that the collection includes both analog and digital drum machines. Naturally, the digital drum machines are much harder to reproduce using Microtonic's synthesizer engine, but even imperfect results are fun, and I find the sounds quite useful.

The older drum machines were mainly preset pattern players. I have painstakingly tried to reproduce not only their sounds but also all of their original patterns.

I hope you will find this collection useful. I believe it shows a new side of Microtonic, and it amazes even me how versatile this old plugin still is.

Have a listen for yourselves:

Software Dispatcher 27.01.2021 1

TC PowerCore plugins

Open up all plugins for the powercore software ? Is it even possible ??

Software synthfreekz 24.01.2021 0

Softube plugins in au for mac

would be awsome

Software synthfreekz 24.01.2021 5

Nexus 3

Possible to download Nexus 3?

Software rude187 24.01.2021 6

Klevgrand Pipa Windows

The OS X version is listed, it's the only Klevgrand you don't have for Windows!
It has a great sound in preview, I'd really like to try it (there is a demo for download at their site, but you can't really use it to make a song, which makes it impossible for me to know if I like it or not . . . )

this is a great site, most demos are too limited to actually be useful . . .

Software lasalsademuerte 24.01.2021 0

Soundtoys for Mac and sample market rawthentic


Software sansores01 22.01.2021 4

Amplitube 5 for Mac

It should be easy. There is already a R2R keygen for windows so the only thing to get is the installer I think...

Software alexnadsat 22.01.2021 0

Arturia V Collection 8 v8.12.20 Windows

Software tioaprilian 21.01.2021 2

Plugin alliance Amek EQ 200

Amek EQ 200 - Amazing little baby, from plugin alliance!

Software Rui Silva 18.01.2021 1

Sonnox – Oxford Elite Collection Native

Software Rui Silva 18.01.2021 0


Polyphylla by Mellisonic is a new Max For Live instrument that makes additive synthesis accessible and fun. Aimed at electronic music producers as well as experimental composers, music educators and production novices, you’ll master it in minutes but make amazing sounds with it for years to come.

Software Broeliyoek 18.01.2021 0
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