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Title Category Author Date

Fragment Audio: Hardstyle Harmor presets

i would like you to have these presets since many of us use harmor. its great page. i love :D

Libraries maxi221988 09.10.2018 9

Cinematique Vertigo Strings

Libraries NOUR 08.10.2018 3

Synapse Audio Software The Legend for MAC OSX

Software sikkmuzik 06.10.2018 3

Digital Sound Factory E-MU Emax Collector Edition KONTAKT

Libraries flyonthewall 02.10.2018 1

Native Instruments Premium Tube Series v1.3.1 MAC

Libraries flyonthewall 02.10.2018 0

Music Weapons Drum Weapons WAV Collection [WAV]

Libraries flyonthewall 02.10.2018 0

Groove3 Battery 4 Explained TUTORiAL

Libraries flyonthewall 02.10.2018 0

Soundtheory Gullfoss
mastering software

Software daddysyl 02.10.2018 2

ADSR Sounds Getting Started With Kontakt

Libraries flyonthewall 29.09.2018 0

Spitfire Audio - Hans Zimmer Strings

Spitfire audio - Hans Zimmer Strings

Libraries midiman01 28.09.2018 3

SKYES Audio Augmentation Elements Library

Libraries Marc1969 27.09.2018 3

Omnisphere Soundset : Cosmic Arpeggiators

Omnisphere Soundset : Cosmic Arpeggiators

Libraries mesogen90 25.09.2018 2

Melodic Flow

Use MelodicFlow VSTi to create and play stunning basslines, arps, and melodies quickly. You will never sound off, as all your input is mapped to the right notes immediately.

Software geech 24.09.2018 0

WavSupply - Roy Major – Eternal (Sample Pack + Drum Kit)

Love to have this asap

Libraries adhildhanpal13 24.09.2018 4

StudioLinked Studio Rack

Software jam9494 24.09.2018 3

Brazilian Trend Drops Templates PLEASE !!

Libraries invaze 22.09.2018 1


thank you in advance

Libraries Lagrenouillette 22.09.2018 0

Sonic Academy Mastering with Slate Everything Bundle

Libraries flyonthewall 19.09.2018 0

Unison MIDI Blueprint

If you’re constantly getting stuck on your tracks...

Struggling to make complex chords because you don’t know music theory...

Or, if you've hit a plateau and have run out of fresh ideas....

Then the Unison MIDI Blueprint is for you.
Make perfect-sounding, sophisticated chords without any knowledge of music theory
Gain massive inspiration from 37,000+ chords & progressions
Quickly start & finish tracks so you can pump out more music
Use proven chords & progressions modeled off the most successful tracks in 20 genres.
Experiment with unorthodox chords to make your music stand out from the rest.

Libraries chrissmc14 19.09.2018 1

Confessions Revolution Vol 3 The Ultimate G-HOUSE Tool

Volume 3

The next installment in the Confessions inspired Tool for G-HOUSE producers. This pack was created to help you get the Confession sound and build your next G-House Banger If you are a fan of the G-House sound, missing out on this pack should be considered a sin.

Libraries vinimaldj 18.09.2018 0
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