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Title Category Author Date

Sample Magic Synth-Pop

Label: Sample Magic
A melting pot of 80s pop, new wave, and synth-driven melodics...

Libraries djstev1e 29.06.2018 2

Darkglass ultra plugins

Software Donald Hwang 28.06.2018 0



Can you please upload MOTU's "Volta" (Mac AU/VST)? It does not show up on the audio love archive, and the links on the original sampleshome site have been dead for awhile. Looking to try it with my hardware synth.

Thanks with kindness!


Software willieraylewis 24.06.2018 2

Krustofer - Keys 2 (Midi Kit)

Libraries itszuss 24.06.2018 1



I saw a post for this one awhile back, is it possible to re-post?



Software willieraylewis 23.06.2018 0


Software nuel2001 22.06.2018 2

Zynaptiq - Intensity

Software nuel2001 22.06.2018 2


You cab write chord progressions

Software vano 21.06.2018 2

U-HE Repro (MAC)

Software dannymolns 20.06.2018 5

All ProjectSam Stuff

Hi, i will love Project Sam release scene stuff.
Many thanks

Libraries nuel2001 17.06.2018 1

Captain Chords

Captain chords mixed in key

Software JaymySon 17.06.2018 7

Little AlterBoy - Soundtoys

Monophonic Voice Manipulator
Vocal formant and pitch shifting. Hard Tune FX. Robot/Vocoder Mode. Tube Drive.

Software djstev1e 17.06.2018 2

WavSupply - Nick Mira – Redlands Vol. 2 MIDI Kit


Libraries olamarilene 16.06.2018 1

Propellerheads REASON 10


Software luvsky 16.06.2018 1

Best Service Celtic ERA

Does anyone have this?

Celtic ERA

Libraries luvsky 16.06.2018 1

The Kit Plugg - Skyfall (Omnisphere 2 Presets)

Libraries darkpersonn 16.06.2018 0


Jaeger (Essential Modern Orchestra for Kontakt)
Deriving from the German word Jäger, meaning Hunter, JAEGER is the first release in a series of orchestral instruments that will usher you into a new era of modern cinematic music. As composers, we constantly find ourselves chasing that next creative spark, but our short deadlines don’t always allow us the time to let inspiration hit. You have to simply apply fingers to keys and pour the music into your sequencer.

To overcome this, JAEGER was created by a team of industry veterans who set out on this endeavor with two, seemingly, simple goals:

An incredible sound straight out of the box.
An incredibly user-friendly engine and interface.

Before settling on the exact specs for the library, the guys received extensive feedback from a number of highly successful, working composers to ensure no stone was left unturned. The constant pressure and tight deadlines demands for libraries with easy load times and maximum flexibility for a quick workflow.

With all of that in mind, the orchestral parts of JAEGER contain individual sections for strings, brass, and percussion. Though the library is primarily focused on punchy, epic music, it is not just designed to be loud; it is cinematic. JAEGER offers the following:

Separate Sections for Strings: 16 Violins, 10 Violas, 6 Celli, 4 Basses.
Separate Sections for Brass: 3 Trumpets, 6 Horns, 2 Tenor & 2 Bass Trombones, 2 Tubas.
Expansive Percussion Section: Gran Cassa Ensemble, Taikos (Small), Taikos .(Medium), Taikos (Large), Concert Tom Ensemble, Concert Snare (Low) Ensemble, Concert Snare (High) Ensemble, Sticks, Tam Tam, Piatti.

5 stereo microphone positions: Spot, Tree, Wide, Far, Full Mix.
True Legato for Violins, Celli, Trumpets, Horns.
Signature Dual Layer FX Page Kontakt Engine.
Recorded in centered seating positions.

Up to 6 morphing velocity layers.
Up to 9 Round Robin (Random No Repeat).
Dynamic Pure Tuning for Strings & Brass, just like a real orchestra.
Preserved Original Recording Levels.
Non-Distance Compensated Mixes & Distance Compensated Mixes for Percussion, the best of both worlds.

SFX: Hits by Joshua Crispin aka Generdyn.
SFX: Braaams by Paul Ortiz and Bryan Leach.
SFX: Drones by Paul Ortiz.
SFX: Transitions & Granular FX by Bryan Leach .

Vocals by Merethe Soltvedt: Legatos.
Vocals by Merethe Soltvedt: Riser Scales (in Major/Minor and Soft/Loud).
Vocals by Merethe Soltvedt: Phrases (in Major/Minor and Soft/Loud).

In true Audio Imperia fashion, we added more to the library than you’d normally expect. The orchestral sections are complemented by processed percussion mixes (by Decimator Drums producer Martin Hasseldam), an extensive sound design section, and most importantly, an incredibly unique vocal section featuring internationally renowned vocalist Merethe Soltvedt.

Merethe Soltvedt is an award-winning vocalist who has performed for composers such as Jeff Broadbent, Henry Lai, Tom Salta, Ivan Torrent and companies like Brand X, Two Steps From Hell, and Ghostwriter Music. A truly unique and very angelic voice that will add a whole other dimension to your music.

Be the Hunter, Not the Hunted!

Libraries hbvax 15.06.2018 3

Abletunes EQ Wise

EQ WISE+ is a 8 band parametric EQ VST/AU plugin with Built-in EQ Charts

Software djstev1e 14.06.2018 2

Chordio LPX

Libraries flyonthewall 14.06.2018 0

The Kit Plugg - Skyfall (Omnisphere 2 Presets)

Libraries darkpersonn 14.06.2018 2
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