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Title Category Author Date

Production Music Live - Acoustic Melodic House Themes - Vol.2

This is the second version of Acoustic Melodic House Themes. We teamed up again with Orchestral Tools to deliver the best quality of melodic and percussive themes that can serve as the main theme of your next track.

Six of our favorite producers got access to the Orchestral Tools Libraries and crafted mesmerizing tonal & atonal percussion loops, breathtaking melodic and harmony themes, atmospheres and a lot more.

Acoustic Melodic House Themes are the building blocks of organic and dynamic music production. A pack full of inspiration and our cure against writer’s block.

Libraries Tim Maia 23.12.2022 6

Orange Tree Samples - Evolution Baritone Electric (Kontakt)

Danelectro 56 Vintage Baritone

Libraries Antitone 21.12.2022 0

MG the Future Chord Books Collection (Scaler Presets )

I'm searching for this collection of Scaler Presets Packs by the Youtuber & Streamer "MG The Future", and I haven't find it already.
Thanks a lot!

Libraries xxoooxx 21.12.2022 3

Ste Willo (samples & midi pack)

UK BOUNCE Samples & Midi pack from

Libraries edzio 21.12.2022 1

Groundcontrol Room

Speaker Control Software

Software SirNoah 20.12.2022 0

Tom Enzy Track from Scratch

i need this tutorial! :) plsss share if you have it!..


Learning MattPosch 19.12.2022 1

Timeless Classics

Libraries wikita 16.12.2022 0

Rare - Tape Jams

Libraries wikita 16.12.2022 0

Slate + Ash Auras

I sent a request before but you replied that all linkes are alive. Actually if you go to the filecat page it says that "UNFORTUNATELY THIS FILE IS

Libraries feeliking 15.12.2022 1

The Producer School Horizon & Astral

Hi guys,

Looking for the TPS ( The Producer School) packs would be amazing if the recent packs could be uploaded.

Thanks in advance!

Keep up the amazing work!!

Libraries Kevinalexo 14.12.2022 0

Doobie Powell’s Peculiar Sounds VST/AU

The Peculiar Sounds Of Doobie Powell!
We teamed up with the legendary Doobie Powell to create a brand new VST plugin that includes over 100 of Doobie’s iconic sounds that he has used in his most popular recordings! You’ll get access to his Rhodes, Pianos, Synths, Pads, Leads and even his Drums!! This is a complete toolkit to add HUGE value to your productions!

Libraries AppoSeed 14.12.2022 0

AKAI MPC Expansion Marco Polo Presents Pad Thai Deluxe Vol.3

Libraries mrfloss2123 14.12.2022 2


We need more packs from Fltips

Learning vano 13.12.2022 0

Audiofier Sphera for Kontakt

Kontakt Library

Libraries Jawad 09.12.2022 1

Ethera Gold Atlantis 2

Vocal Kontakt Library

Libraries Jawad 08.12.2022 1

UVI - PX Guitar Syn (Roland GR500)

The GS-500 guitar and GR-500 synth engine were designed as the world's first true guitar synthesizer. More astonishing than its original release date of 1977 is the fact that this early guitar synth predates MIDI, functioning instead using an implementation of the CV and GATE signals common to modular synthesis. Another incredible feature was the built-in infinite sustainer system, utilizing grounded frets and a customized humbucker for incredible sustained notes and chords across all 6 strings.

Libraries Antitone 07.12.2022 2

omnia choir

Libraries justdrevst21 03.12.2022 0

phil speiser the instrument

Software justdrevst21 03.12.2022 3

Cluster Sound - Crumar Bit One for Kontakt and Live

Designed by Mario Maggi (the creator of the Elka Synthex) and released by Crumar during the mid 80’s, the Bit One is a very versatile six voices synth with tons of character. Originally conceived to compete against the Polysix and Juno 106, this compact black tank went further by implementing a dual-osc voice structure, more similar to that of the OB-8 and Prophet 5. The 2 DCOs, 6 CEM filters, 6 VCAs, 2 LFOs each per voice and a powerful duophonic Unison effect make the Bit One a very fat and flexible hybrid synthesizer.

Libraries Antitone 03.12.2022 0

Cluster Sound - Korg DS -8 for Kontakt and Live

Released in 1986, the DS-8 was the Korg’s attempt to provide an easier way to access FM synthesis, one the most enigmatic synth architecture ever made. The abstract concepts of algorithms, operators, carriers and modulators were therefore translated into more intuitive analog-like parameters to look more meaningful for musicians. This particular design deeply contributed to define the strong character of this synth and made it possible to create interesting FM sounds never heard on the popular DX7.

Libraries Antitone 03.12.2022 0
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