Jazz 14e takes students on an extraordinary musical journey through the changing styles and fascinating history of jazz. Offering a listening-based approach to the study of jazz history, this text...
Format: PDFBeginner's Guide to Music Production Fourth Edition Unleash your inner music producer with the latest issue of Music Magazine! Dive into a beginner's guide to production, mastering the art of...
The purpose of this book is to provide a concise introduction to the mathematical theory of music, opening each chapter to the most recent research. Despite the complexity of some sections, the book...
Music is a powerful process and resource that can shape and support who we are and wish to be. The interaction between musical identities and learning music highlights school music education’s...
This practical guide considers everything you need to know, from the instrument's initial set up through to maintenance and repairs. An invaluable resource for beginners who want to learn to set up...
This is a book about sound studios, focusing on their architectural and geographical aspects. It explores how music is materialized under specific spatial and technological conditions and the myths...
The Music Business for Music Creators is a roadmap to understanding the traditional and emerging income streams that define the modern music industry. It presents the key concepts and principles that...
Make Music with Avid Pro Tools introduces users to the power of Pro Tools software and marks the first steps toward developing core skills in audio production. The book covers the basic principles...
Black British Gospel Music is a dynamic and multifaceted musical practice, a diasporic river rooted in the experiences of Black British Christian communities. This book examines gospel music in...
In today’s rapidly changing music landscape, entrepreneurship is an art that is just as vital as creativity—one that all musicians must master for a successful and sustainable career....
Teaching Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass summarizes three centuries of string pedagogy treatises to create a comprehensive resource on methods and approaches to teaching all four bowed string...
Alice Randall, award-winning professor, songwriter, and author with a “lively, engaging, and often wise” (The New York Times Book Review) voice, offers a lyrical, introspective, and unforgettable...
Mastering the Art of Audio Editing: A Comprehensive Guide to Expertise" is your definitive roadmap to becoming a virtuoso in audio editing. This eBook meticulously navigates through essential...
Whether it's overcoming creative blocks, troubleshooting technical issues, or refining your workflow, every budding producer faces challenges. The FL Studio Cookbook is here to provide practical...