International exhibitions were among the most significant cultural phenomena of the late nineteenth century. These vast events aimed to illustrate, through displays of physical objects, the full...
This collection investigates the concept of modernity in music and its multiple interpretations in Europe and Asia. Through contributions by both European and Asian musicologists it discusses how a...
Push: Software Design and the Cultural Politics of Music Production shows how changes in the design of music software in the first decades of the twenty-first century shaped the production techniques...
Where is the academic study of music today, and what paths should it take into the future? Should we be looking at how music relates to society and constructs meaning through it, rather than how it...
As the title suggests, this book has been written for absolute beginners who wish to play keyboard using auto-accompaniment and assumes no prior musical knowledge - just the desire to do it! Items...
Ombra is the term which applies to an operatic scene involving the appearance of an oracle or demon, witches, or ghosts. Such scenes can be traced back to the early days of opera and were commonplace...
From Edison’s invention of the phonograph through contemporary field recording and sound installation, artists have become attracted to those domains against which music has always defined itself:...
Add more variety, color, and spice to your playing ... all year long! With the Smart Guitarist's Chord-a-day Calendar you will learn a new guitar chord fingering every day ... 365 in all. Jazz...
This book is written as an introduction to learning to play the guitar. It can be very overwhelming as a beginner, but in this Love Guitar bitesize edition, we've tried to make it as simple to...
Today, jazz is considered high art, America’s national music, and the catalog of its recordings—its discography—is often taken for granted. But behind jazz discography is a fraught and highly...
The Routledge Companion to Embodied Music Interaction captures a new paradigm in the study of music interaction, as a wave of recent research focuses on the role of the human body in musical...
The concept of «musica mathematica» seeks to accurately examine the intersection of two seemingly radically different subject areas. From the perspective of a European perception, the definition of...
The experience of music performance is always far more than the sum of its sounds, and evidence for playing and singing techniques is not only inscribed in music notation but can also be found in...
Insights into Music Composition is a guide and source of inspiration for beginning students of music composition. Drawing on perspectives from a range of experienced composers, the book introduces...
From Data to Decisions in Music Education Research provides a structured and hands-on approach to working with empirical data in the context of music education research. Using step-by-step tutorials...