Guitars inspire cult-like devotion: an aficionado can tell you precisely when and where their favorite instrument was made, the wood it is made from, and that wood’s unique effect on the instrument’s...
This handbook provides an evidence-based account of psychological perspectives on issues in music education and music in the community through the life course, exploring our understanding of music...
In this book, Ludovica Grassi explores the importance of music in psychoanalysis, arguing that music is a basic working tool for psyche, as words are composed of sound, rhythm and intonation more...
The Complete Cigar Box Guitar Chord Book is the most extensive library of chords ever assembled for the 3-string cigar box guitar. Incredibly, there are hundreds of possible chords with only three...
This book explores the fascinating and intimate relationship between music and physics. Over millennia, the playing of, and listening to music have stimulated creativity and curiosity in people all...
Master the blues on your mandolin. Take your blues mandolin playing to the next level with the Mandolin Blues Book. A collection of 101 blues riffs and solos ideal for all mandolinists looking to get...
In Improve Your Guitar Chord Playing - Chord Switching Tips, Tricks & Exercises, you'll learn the essential skills required to master the most frequently used guitar chords. Discover important...
How do musical analysis and performance relate? In a unique collaborative approach to this question, theorist-pianist Daphne Leong partners with internationally renowned performers to interpret...
Master the Blues in Open D Guitar Tuning Take your Open D guitar playing to the next level with 101 Blues Riffs & Solos in Open D Guitar Tuning. The most complete instructional book ever written...
"101 Riffs and Solos" is arranged for the four-string fretted or fretless cigar box guitar tuned to GDGB. An excellent resource for beginners and a good review of useful techniques for players of all...
The Routledge Companion to Aural Skills Pedagogy offers a comprehensive survey of issues, practice, and current developments in the teaching of aural skills. The volume regards aural training as a...
A sourcebook with 84 electronic circuits designed for audio applications. Create excellent audio projects from finished modules. The circuits come with ready-to-use printed circuit board designs,...
The first study of this volume looks for reminiscences of Dies Irae in Chopin’s works. A great number of allusions and affinities are found in the preludes as well as in Chopin’s output. The study...
You DON'T need a Kindle to buy this book. Available for immediate reading with your Amazon virtual cloud reader, or with the Kindle app for your phone or PC. "Don't be like the majority of newcomers...