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Neural DSP Archetype Abasi v1.1.0 [WiN]

Neural DSP Archetype Abasi
Team R2R | 01 January 2021 | 157.77 MB
The sonic possibilities of Archetype: Abasi are as vast and genuine as the artist who inspired it. True innovation is extremely rare. It requires courage and creativity to be genuine. Tosin spectacularly embodies this rare combination of traits.
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Kush Audio Goldplate v1.0.2 [WiN]

Kush Audio Goldplate
Team R2R | 31 December 2020 | 14 MB
Goldplate marries Relab's gorgeous, silky smooth reverberation tails with Kush's plush harmonic shaping and fat compression curves, resulting in all the basic amenities of a typical reverb, but with an interface that goes far beyond what you expect from traditional reverb controls. Dial in a warm distortion of the signal pre-reverb and thick, pumping compression post-reverb, and select any mix of two different plate materials. And, unlike most algorithmic plates, this one sounds equally incredible across the full range of its reverb time.

LeSound SpaceMotors v1.0.4 [WiN]

LeSound SpaceMotors
Team R2R | 01 January 2021 | 25.98 MB
SpaceMotors is a sci-fi vehicle sound synthesizer to easily create. complex dynamic engine sounds such as Podracers, Transformers, Tron, Blade Runner. Features:

LeSound ReshapeFX v1.2.4 [WiN]

LeSound ReshapeFX
Team R2R | 01 January 2021 | 6.8 MB
Reshape FX is the effect version for processing real-time audio input. It allows the same multi-effect processing for the sound sources of your choice. You can insert it in the effect process chain of your DAW to process your virtual instruments, live input or recorded tracks. It is especially fun as live DJ effects.

LeSound Reshape v1.2.4 [WiN]

LeSound Reshape
Team R2R | 01 January 2021 | 263.13 MB
Reshape is a touch-to-play sound design tool based on exploring gesture usage to give new expression means to sound creators. By using gestures with mouse or multi-touch interface (Reshape Touch on iOS/Android), sound designers will be able to create and shape sounds in real-time, just like the way a musician plays an instrument with expressiveness.

LeSound AudioTexture v1.3.1 [WiN]

LeSound AudioTexture
Team R2R | 01 January 2021 | 75.11 MB
There are enormous creative possibilities with AudioTexture: use one simple sound and generate layered sounds with multiple instances of AudioTexture, or use several sound files with multiple instances of AudioTexture to compose a sound scene.

LeSound AudioWind Pro v2.5.2 [WiN]

LeSound AudioWind Pro
Team R2R | 01 January 2021 | 5.91 MB
AudioWind is our revolutionary procedural audio plugin that helps you create the perfect wind sound in a matter of minutes. It requires just a few resources to work perfectly. Our D.O.S.E. technology allows you to work in real-time for up to 5.1 channel audio. You can modify your sound without entirely having to recreate it.

LeSound AudioSteps Pro v2.4.2 [WiN]

LeSound AudioSteps Pro
Team R2R | 01 January 2021 | 5.62 MB
Based on specific real-time control and ownership of acoustic audio signatures, we produce realistic footstep sounds for most post-production needs. Sound designers get expert control on the audio and save a considerable amount of time. No more need for footstep recordings, all combinations are already available in the plug-in! Gain control over the different properties to shape the sounds you desire.

LeSound AudioSteps Pro Databanks v2.0

LeSound AudioSteps Pro Databanks
Team R2R | 01 January 2021 | 4 GB
Based on specific real-time control and ownership of acoustic audio signatures, we produce realistic footstep sounds for most post-production needs. Sound designers get expert control on the audio and save a considerable amount of time. No more need for footstep recordings, all combinations are already available in the plug-in! Gain control over the different properties to shape the sounds you desire.

LeSound AudioSpace v1.5.5 [WiN]

LeSound AudioSpace
Team R2R | 01 January 2021 | 6.75 MB
AudioSpace is a synthesizer dedicated to the emulation of space ambiance sounds. The synthesizer is based on AudioGaming's dynamic modeling technology and uses no sampling. That is, it produces sounds by solving, on the fly, mathematical equations modeling multiple aspect of a what could be the rumble made by different kinds of large ships. This complex synthesis engine responds dynamically to the control signals it receives and exposes high”level controls carefully mapped to the low”level synthesis model.

LeSound AudioRain Pro v2.4.7 [WiN]

LeSound AudioRain Pro
Team R2R | 01 January 2021 | 5.89 MB
AudioRain is AudioWind's little brother and offers high quality rain sounds. Shape your rain sound in real time, work from the small drop to the shower. Have it your way even in 5.1 channel audio.

LeSound AudioMotors Pro v3.5.1 [WiN]

LeSound AudioMotors Pro
Team R2R | 01 January 2021 | 296 MB
From idling to full throttle, AudioMotors allows you to fully control the engine as if you were driving a car. What if a Mini Cooper became a truck? It is now possible! AudioMotors plug-in is the perfect tool for creative sound design. From a basic car sound recording, you can create a totally new and astonishing engine sound.

LeSound AudioFire v1.5.4 [WiN]

LeSound AudioFire
Team R2R | 01 January 2021 | 18.13 MB
AudioFire is a synthesizer dedicated to the emulation of fire and heat sounds. The synthesizer is based on Le Sound's dynamic modeling technology and rarely uses sampling (only for very specific modules). This complex synthesis engine responds dynamically to the control signals it receives and exposes high-level controls carefully mapped to the low-level synthesis model.

LeSound AudioElec v1.4.3 [WiN]

LeSound AudioElec
Team R2R | 01 January 2021 | 55.49 MB
AudioElec is an electrified sound synthesizer. It generates sounds like hum, impulse, sparks and telemetry. AudioElec is a synthesizer dedicated to the emulation of electrical sounds. The synthesizer is based on Le Sound's dynamic modeling technology and uses sampling only for very specific modules. That is, it produces sounds by solving, on the fly, mathematical equations modeling the different components of electrified sound approximations developed by AudioGaming.

Exponential Audio R2 v6.0.1a [WiN]

Exponential Audio R2
Team R2R | 01 January 2021 | 17.1 MB
R2 introduces a lush, colourful stereo reverb algorithm to Exponential Audio's familiar design. Use the chorus and gate effects to colour and shape your reverb signal to suit any music project. From swirling orchestral chambers to minimal, clean room reflections, R2 is your go-to plug-in for designing completely unique, musical spaces.
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