Tone2 Icarus v1.6.0 / v1.0 [WiN, MacOSX]

WiN: Team R2R | 11 January 2020 | 115 MB
MAC: iMPRESSiVE | 19 September 2016 | 159 MB
MAC: iMPRESSiVE | 19 September 2016 | 159 MB
Icarus is a '3D wavetable synth', because we extended the classic wavetable synthesis, which can cross-blend waveforms, with an additional dimension for morphing. As a result Icarus can create exclusive sounds with lots of dynamic expression and movement. Icarus offers a huge sonic range and is extremely versatile, but still remains easy to use. Animated displays give you visual feedback - you can instantly see and hear what you're doing.
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