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Pro Studio Live The Science of Mixing [TUTORiAL]

Pro Studio Live The Science of Mixing
FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 6.02 GB
DR Ford illustrates how understanding the science behind audio can really improve your mix!

DR Ford opens a session of his own to illustrate how he improves a mix, including vocal mix tips, theory on how to work with drums from tracking to mastering, and parallel processing philosophy. DR Ford is an expert on being more effective while using less processing, and he shares philosophy and tips that have helped redefine his approach to mixing. By the end of this seminar, you’ll know the importance of understanding the science behind audio, and how to “separate the magic from the mojo”. You’ll learn DR Ford’s original theory on how the golden ratio applies to mixing, why we use the rule of 3, why lyrical mixing is so important, and the transient vs. sustain theory. He not only shows us how he mixes in Pro Tools, but he also explains the science and the “why” behind his actions.

Pro Studio Live Tape Machine Use and Maintenance [TUTORiAL]

Pro Studio Live Tape Machine Use and Maintenance
FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 2.32 GB
Learn how to use and maintain analog tape machines.

Jordan Andreen, one of the most respected technicians on South of California is here to share with us his abilities about use and maintenance of tape machines. All you need to know from the first steps before you start using the tape machine, how to calibrate it, operations such as sync, record, input, punch in and gain staging, to editing on tape and making wonderful loops and tape delays. Whether you are in the digital world, or have never used a tape machine, this event is worth taking a look.

Pro Studio Live Maschine Beat Deconstruction 2 [TUTORiAL]

Pro Studio Live Maschine Beat Deconstruction 2
FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 1.59 GB
Gain new skills and start improving your recordings and mixes today!

Watch as Dünga shows the process of exporting a beat that's been produced on NI Maschine into Pro Tools while also sharing some of his production and mixing techniques. He shows how to export the stems files into Pro Tools for further mixing and mastering, or even to send off to an artist, as well as techniques such as track duplication and eq shaping to put extra emphasis on certain elements of his beat. This beat production show is an all-in-one episode that you don't want to miss!

Pro Studio Live Dubstep Production [TUTORiAL]

Pro Studio Live Dubstep Production
FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 2.23 GB
For the beginner to advanced producer, this course will teach you common methods used by top producers. Remember : This is not the only way to make a track. There are many different ways to produce music, and they are all correct. This course is designed to give you tips that will help you in your own productions. If your current workflow is different, that is completely ok. At the end of the day the goal is to have the best sounding music to communicate your creative message. Even if you are a veteran producer, this course has advanced techniques from which you may be able to learn. In this episode, Convulsic covers session setup and drums, composition, and sound design ideas. We also discuss advanced grouping techniques, plugin selection, compression, making an intro, layering vocals, filters and automation, and preparing a song for mastering.

Pro Studio Live Business Skills and Mixing Techniques [TUTORiAL]

Pro Studio Live Business Skills and Mixing Techniques
FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 7.06 GB
Tune into this episode to learn some extremely valuable business and audio advice from DR Ford. He explains some essential advice, from tips on running your own studio, to advice on marketing, and how to price your services. He discusses what to look for in a client, how to get ahead as a music producer or engineer when you’re first starting out, and how he preps for his first meeting with a client. He also covers some great exercises for evolving and tuning your ear as an engineer, and gives us some tips for mixing. Tune in to learn some great theory about mixing, including how the golden ratio influences mixing, how human psychology influences mixing, and how he treated each instrument in his example mix for this episode. It’s an extremely informative episode for anyone looking to make a living off engineering or producing.

Pro Studio Live Ableton Live Production Techniques [TUTORiAL]

Pro Studio Live Ableton Live Production Techniques
FANTASTiC | 09 April 2019 | 2.14 GB
This course is a comprehensive overview of Ableton Live 9 with San Diego dubstep and electronic music producer Convulsic. It is designed to cover some of the most important features of this very complex production software suite. Starting from the ground level, we broke this course into four sections of forty-five minutes each. Each section will become more advanced than the previous section. Remember: The theories and practices being taught are not the end-all be-all as far as Ableton is concerned. This course is designed to show you one way of doing things, so that you can take these principles and implement them into your own workflow. In this episode, we cover Ableton preferences, setup, templates, window panes, audio vs. MIDI, and keyboard shortcuts and controls. He also covers details about different effects in Ableton, using drum racks, entering MIDI notes, racks, grooves, and freezing and flattening plugins. You'll also learn details about EQ, compression, reverb, sends and returns, warp modes, and layering in Ableton. Convulsic also goes into some more advanced topics, including automation, macros, clip envelopes, dummy clips, racks on racks, finding inspiration, and putting it all together.

SkillShare Adobe Audition CC 101 For Podcasters [TUTORiAL]

SkillShare Adobe Audition CC 101 For Podcasters
FANTASTiC | 08 April 2019 | 570 MB
How to get started podcasting with Adobe Audition CC. The beginner's guide.

This an introductory class to getting started using Adobe Audition for podcasting. This class is an overview of my podcasting workflow. This class will not teach the ins and outs of how to use Adobe Audition or how to add effects like EQ & Compression.
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