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MAGIX Vita Sound Content v2.4.0 [DAW Addons]

MAGIX Vita Sound Content
Team R2R | 03 May 2018 | 4.17 GB
If there's one thing you need when manufacturing instruments it's patience. MAGIX Vita Solo Instruments are no different. Every sound is carefully modeled and recorded using various microphone settings. This lets you authentically reproduce the unmistakable sounds of gently plucked nylon guitar strings, epic string instruments or harsh, powerful synthesizers and then adapt them.

ISM 700W v1.1.0 [WiN, MacOSX]

ISM 700W
Team R2R | 03 May 2018 | WiN: 2.6 MB | MAC: 5.9 MB
This compressor plug-in was created in cooperation with Ploytec.

700 W is a completely new approach to compression.
Unlike a conventional compressor it only acts where you need it.
It's main field of application is to enhance your endmix. Gain up to 1.9 dB of loudness you can't get from any other tool.

MAGIX ACID Pro 8 Sound Content v1.0.0 [WiN]

MAGIX ACID Pro 8 Sound Content
Team R2R | 03 May 2018 | 10.5 GB
More instruments. More sounds. More effects. An incredible suite of 16 instruments including the DN-e1 analogue synth and Vita Sampler. 13 stunning effects: from the Analogue Modelling Suite to Vandal guitar effects, plus an amazing 9 GB of new ACIDized content.
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BandLab Studio Instruments Suite v1.0.0.70 [WiN]

BandLab Studio Instruments Suite
Team R2R | 03 May 2018 | 900.4 MB
This add on includes Cakewalk’s popular Studio instruments including Electric Piano, SI-Bass Guitar, SI-Drum Kit and SI-String Section. This add-on also includes 4 Cakewalk demo projects. If you already have this installed from a previous SONAR product you won’t need to install this.

BandLab Cakewalk Theme Editor v1.2.0.14 [WiN]

BandLab Cakewalk Theme Editor
Team R2R | 03 May 2018 | 18.0 MB
The Cakewalk Theme Editor is back in this release allowing you to create, edit and fully customize themes for Cakewalk. This is new version is exclusively for use with Cakewalk by BandLab and won't replace the older SONAR Theme Editor.
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TrueFire Allen Hinds Melodic Improv [TUTORiAL]

TrueFire Allen Hinds Melodic Improv
P2P | 03 May 2018 | MP4 MP3 PDF | 1.02 GB
There are more guitar players today with incredible technical chops then ever before. Yet, so many of their solos and improvisations sound a bit dry and lifeless. This is often because they’re too focused on developing technical skills and strictly following harmonic rules and rhythmic approaches rather than letting their ears and emotions guide their note choices and phrasing.

SlamAcademy Ableton Live 10 Part 4: Sound Design and Samplers [TUTORiAL, DAW Templates]

SlamAcademy Ableton Live 10 Part 4: Sound Design and Samplers
P2P | 03 May 2018 | 877 MB
For years I’ve been teaching Ableton Live in the college classroom. As a University Professor, my classes are sought after, and, frankly, expensive. I believe Ableton Live can be learned by anyone, and cost shouldn’t be a barrier. This class uses the same outline and syllabus I’ve used in my college classes for years, at a fraction of the cost.

43% Giant Wonky Hip Hop [WAV]

43% Giant Wonky Hip Hop
FANTASTiC | 02 May 2018 | 351 MB
‘Wonky Hip Hop’ is a distinct collection of imperfect human performances that are on the edge of falling apart, attempting to capture some of the groove and style perfected by the likes of Dilla and Flying Lotus. All the grids were removed on this one to create layers that stumble over each other but lock together where needed.

Beat Magazin Juni 2018

Beat Magazin Juni 2018
German | 100 pages | True PDF | 47.86 MB
Keinem musikalischen Element schenkt der Hörer so viel Aufmerksamkeit wie dem Gesang. Und oftmals sind es gerade Vocals, die aus einem Song einen Ohrwurm machen. Immer mehr Produzenten greifen statt zum Mikrofon zu Phrasen aus Sample-Bibliotheken. Im großen Spezial „Geniale Vocals“ zeigt Beat, wie man mit cleverer Nachbearbeitung zu kreativen Gesangs-Linien aus der Konserve kommt.
0 How to Make Dubstep Start to Finish - Rift [TUTORiAL, DAW Templates] How to Make Dubstep Start to Finish - Rift
P2P | 02 May 2018 | 2.81 GB
The depth and complexity of Dubstep can be pretty overwhelming for many producers. Writing, arrangement, mixing, and designing sounds in this genre takes tons of practice. To help you gain a better understanding of what goes into a Dubstep track, we created an extremely in-depth start to finish course – this time in FL Studio 12.
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