Genre: Pop, Rock or Metal„Live Instruments“ incudes a high-quality sound collection covering Piano, E-Piano, Clavinet, Organ, Mellotron, Strings, Brass Section, Synth. It provides a very popular selection of instruments used...
Format: Ableton LiveGenre: Cinematic, Ambient or ChillOutDystopian Signals holds the sounds of a dark future. Balancing brutality and beauty, this synth-focused Pack is for creators of cinematic soundtracks, ambient moodscapes and darker shades of dance...
Format: WAV, MiDi, Synth PresetsGenre: Trap or TrapstepPresets: Omnisphere, Sylenth1'Quiet Soul' by Shobeats is a Trap sample pack with a feature set of 79 WAV Loops, 66 MIDI Files, 45 one-shot drums and 25 presets grouped into five inspiring Construction Kits....
Format: KONTAKTGenre: Cinematic, Ambient or ChillOutA collection of Kontakt Instrument from the mangled sounds of a 20 year old Radio-shack Vox Voice Recorder. The sounds are in 3 categories: Ambient, FX, and Synth-like. These sounds include drones,...
Format: KONTAKTGenre: OrchestralMetamorpha is the first in a new smaller series of libraries we’ll be releasing. The idea behind this is to have beautiful little instruments at your fingertips that inspire you and that do not have...
Format: KONTAKTThough called “Broken Bells,” bells are not the only thing that was sampled. While we did sample some traditional bells, we also sampled tibetan singing bowls, kitchen mixing bowls, vases, wine...
Format: HalionGenre: SynthwaveIntuitive and flexible with the focus on quick and easy workflow is the concept behind our CRE8 Engine. The main concept behind its design is to provide you with a "SIMPLE Page" that provides all the...
Format: MULTiFORMAT, KONTAKTGenre: Pop, Rock or MetalFrom the powerful duo of Jeff Carruthers and Michael Carey comes Momentum: Pop Rock Hits, a Pop-Rock Library packed with radio ready tracks and chart-topping hits. Based on the sounds of both current...
Format: KONTAKTGenre: Trap or Trapstep, Ambient or ChillOutAmbient Trappin is a collection of hard, beautiful, new & ambient sounds ready to aid in your music production. The main goal with this library was to create a product you'll keep going back to every...
Format: KONTAKTGenre: CinematicRises are sounds that start low in pitch and end high in pitch and they add instant rising excitement to tracks in any genre. SCULPTOR Epic Risers starts with amazing raw rise sounds then makes your...
Format: KONTAKTGenre: Classic, Cinematic, Ambient or ChillOut, DowntempoThe "LO.VE. Piano" is not "just another piano sample library". This is something special - a piano that's been created specifically for soft and intimate playing....